Monday, November 28, 2011

All's Well That Ends Well

Mr. Shakespeare used the proverb which heads this post as the title for one of his plays.  Sounds comforting, but be careful.  While that conviction, much like any proverb, is almost axiomatically true, some things may not be what they seem. 

Think of it this way, the four day Thanksgiving weekend is over.  No problems to report.  Time to start another common work week, oh boy!  Well, there you go. 

Mr. Shakespeare's play happens to be one of several of his known as "problem plays."  When all is said and done, it is impossible to classify it as a tragedy or a comedy.  Turns out, he seems to have been using the proverb ironically.  And so am I, in order to make another point about the smug stupidity of conservative economics.

The clamor on the right today is basically what it always has been: just let the economy fix itself.  Get away from it (as far as public intervention is concerned, at least) and let it purge itself back to good health.  Um, among the purged, of course, will be an awful human toll of innocents, especially among the children.  Oh well, some sacrifices have to be offered on the altar of free market fanaticism if our belief system is to have any meaning; it's all so biblical, don't you know.

Meanwhile, when the burnout has ended, we may likely only be left knee deep in a pile of ashes.  Now that we're back to work (at least those of us lucky enough to still have a job) and can get serious once again, pay attention because this week may see the final act of an indisputable financial tragedy in Europe.  If the euro is allowed to collapse (I would even argue it has been pushed into collapsing), things will not end well.  Can you say the Great "D" word, dammit?

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